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Community Updates

Click the image to enlarge

CAN VA Office Hours.png
USES updated.png
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Pullman Parent University.png
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CPS Job Fair March 13.png
I-CASH FLYER 3.14.25 (1).png
Working with the Cook COunty Land Bank.png
CTA Teen Intern OneSummerChi 2025.jpg
EHRP 2024.png
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People's Gas LIHEAP ENG.png
CFD Senior Risk Program.png
REALID Clarification.jpg
mercy housing.png
CPL Tutoring 2024 Update.png
Senior Assist 65+.png
OHARE Opp.png
Food Giveaway Flyer  .jpg
Safe2HelpIL 2024 graphic.png
Village Keepers_IG _5-5-24_.jpg
Skip the line SOS.png

SOS Skip the Line

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Comm Dev Grants.jpg


good food fund grant.png

Chicago Recovery Grant 

Water Bill Assistance Ceda.jpg
Housing Initiative.png

The Hope Foundation 

Resources and Programs


5th District Broom And Bloom

Homeless Veteran Reintergration Program.jpg

Veteran Assistance

Arrest Hotline-04222024064018-page-001.jpg
Protect your vehicle.jpg

Vehicle SAfety Tips

Drug Prevention Flyer.jpg

Opioid Assistance

Ceda FLyer-page-001.jpg


Landlord-Tenant Mediation - Community Fl


NHS Rental Mortgage assistance.png


Mortgage Assistance NHS IHDA-page-001.jpg
E-WASTE City Program.png

Residential Electronics Recycling 

Asthma Resource Line.jpg


Legal Aid Chicago DTSTPP Flyer (Eng and

        Legal Aid

dwm flooding flyer.jpg
Revised UBR Program Infographic-page-001

Utility Relief 

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Water in Basement 


Eye Care Guide For Seniors 

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Rental Assistance

PCC Birthday Party Flyer.png

Pullman Community Center

Hearing aid program.png

Hearing Aide Program


Rides for Medicare

Breastfeeding FLyer.jpg

Breast Feeding Info

CDPH Roseland Specialty Clinic.jpg

CDPH Roseland Clinic

Senior Wellbeing Checks.jpg

Wellness Checks 

2022 FRESH Project Promotion (Social Media Post) (1).png

F.R.E.S.H Project


City Vacant Lot Sales 

Walk In Wednesdays Flyer .jpg

Legal Clinic 

Upcoming Events
MGMC Poster-page-001.jpg

Midwife Care 

Cats in Action Flyer-page-001.jpg

Cats In Action

childhood lead poisoning prevention .png

Lead Poisoning Prevention 

Upcoming Events

We invite residents to join us for fun and fellowship at the community events Alderman Beale sponsors throughout the year. If you are having an event that is open to the public and would like for the information to be listed below on our  E-calendar then please contact our scheduling & events team

Annual 9th Ward Events

Sponsored by the Office of Alderman Anthony A Beale

Please contact the office for COVID updates

Townhall Community Meetings - Meet representatives from the city, county, and state government service providers, and find out what's new in the 9th Ward. Community meetings occur every fourth Tuesday at Pullman Presbyterian Church, 550 E. 103rd St., at 6:30 p.m. 

The Senior Sockhop - Senior citizen residents of the 9th Ward are invited to groove to the golden oldies and enjoy refreshments at the Senior Sockhop.

Annual "Wilks" Bike Ride - A fun event for the entire family, the bike ride is a wonderful way to enjoy the great outdoors. Ride the trails and picnic with us at the William W. Powers State Recreation Area (Wolf Lake), 12949 Avenue O, Chicago, IL 60633


Senior Resource Fair - Connect with senior citizen service providers, get free health screenings and wellness information at the Senior Resource Fair held annually in September.

Senior Thanksgiving Dinner - We give thanks and gratitude for our senior citizens during the holiday season with turkey and all the trimmings at the Senior Thanksgiving dinner. 

Christmas in the 9th Ward - To celebrate the joyous Christmas season, the Alderman's office brings toys and holiday cheer to pre-selected families with children aged 2 to 13 years old.

Back to School Picnic - The culminating event of the summer that allows for the entire ward to come together for a day of food, music, and fun. In addition to the book bags and school supplies, everyone attending the event is also entitled to receive a free health care screening and information on preventive care from community health care providers.

Annual Resource Fair - Connect with different local, state, and federal agencies along with not-for-profits, utility companies, and social service agencies to learn about the assistance offered to residents for a wide array of different issues.

Summer Clear Out Fair- Bring documents that contain your personally identifiable information - such as old bank statements, tax returns, bills, receipts, credit card applications, and outdated medical records - to be safely shredded. Electronic Recycling for any old TVs computers, and stereos. Dumpster on site for miscellaneous items. 

Pet Health Fair - Alderman Beale has been able to partner with various organizations to host a FREE Pet Health Fair. 9th Ward residents were able to bring their pets to be vaccinated, micro-chipped and registered. 

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